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Clear Your Bathroom Clutter (+ enjoy getting ready again)

Bathroom clutter adds stress to your life first thing in the morning and before you go to bed! Yikes, it might be finally time to clear space in your bathroom for good. Read on to learn how.

Do you feel the pressure to clear ALL of your clutter at once by tearing your whole home and life apart?

You can try something different instead.  The Clear Your Life Small Project Series invites you to embrace simplicity  – by breaking your rooms and categories into bite-sized areas.

Each week will highlight a different focus of your life with strategy and mindset tips to have you taking action and seeing results fast.

If you’ve ever looked at your cluttered home with despair and only see a big mountain of mess – this series is for you.

Why else will you love small clearing projects?

  • They take less time
  • You’ll see immediate results
  • They aren’t overwhelming
  • You can combine multiple small projects for bigger areas, and complete the process in a more organized way

Let’s get started with our first area, your bathroom!

The Benefits of Clearing Your Bathroom Clutter

Did you know the space where you get ready in the morning directly influences your energy?

Waste time looking for your hairbrush or knock over two bottles of moisturizer to get to your shampoo and you’re stressed before you even leave your bathroom for breakfast.  These small inconveniences have a heavy energetic effect on your mood. 

Even if you have a supportive morning routine like journaling or meditating, waking up to bathroom clutter will weigh you down.

Now imagine instead, you wake up and walk into your clutter free bathroom. 

Your counter is clear and there’s even room for a healthy plant to bring in a sense of life and vibrancy to your space.  You open your toiletry cupboard and find exactly what you need without any frantic searching. 

Getting ready is a breeze and you feel like a total boss.

Clear your bathroom clutter and your morning routine will become a ritual that you look forward to, that sets you up for a great day.

Get Started Today with Small Projects

Creating space in your life with small projects takes away the excuse of not having time to do this important work. You’ll train your eye to see more than just the room you’re in and instead break it down into more manageable chunks.

Walk into your bathroom and notice that it can be divided into smaller areas, all of which can be cleared in a short amount of time.

Here are examples of small projects in your bathroom:

  • makeup bag
  • medicine cabinet
  • under your sink
  • shower toiletries
  • single drawer in bathroom vanity
  • one shelf at a time if you have a closet in or near your bathroom
  • single storage basket
  • shower caddy + side of your bathtub

Do you see how you could make progress by picking just one of these areas? 

These projects can be completed in ten minutes to an hour – without creating a giant mess in your space.

Still struggling with clutter?
Find out why!


Stop Bathroom Clutter from Returning

The habits you  adopt after clearing clutter are the difference between lasting and fleeting results.  

For your bathroom, let’s discuss shopping habits.

Start by thinking about why you buy the products that you do.

Shopping with intention breaks the cycle of drowning in products but still coming home with more each week.

There’s nothing wrong with looking, smelling and feeling good!  Keeping the right beauty and cleaning supplies in your home is important.  But if your home bathroom look like a stock room for your favourite pharmacy, one of the following reasons may be to blame.

Retail Therapy

We all know the allure of a fresh bottle of product.  Pharmacy aisles neatly stocked with rows and rows of neatly lined bottles always look so calm and appealing.

With every bottle you bring home, there’s a new sense of promise and hope.

Standing in the brightly lit aisle you think to yourself: this will be the bottle of cream that changes everything.  

Retail therapy gives a momentary high after purchase, before those bottles end up like the rest of your collection waiting for you at home.  They join the ranks of other unfinished containers of lotions and potions that didn’t solve your problems.

Buying Anything On Sale

I love a good deal, but if you open the cupboards under your bathroom sink and you see a mountain of bottles and boxes, it’s time to skip a sale or two. 

There’s a difference between being smart with your money and purchases vs buying too much and adding clutter to your living space.  Resist the urge to always buy an item just because it’s on sale.  

Compare the price reduction at the store to the amount of space those bottles will take up in your home.  Depending on your storage size and current back stock, a good deal on paper isn’t actually worth it.

Hotel, travel size & samples

In 2009, I was in my early stages of clearing my belongings.  I gathered all of the hotel soaps and shampoos I had been hoarding for the previous 10 years before.

Wow, what a sight! 

I had mindlessly collected those little freebies and never took the time to actually use or finish them. 

They were just taking up space in my life.

Commit to finishing those tiny bottles and pouches of product you have, or give to a friend who will enjoy them.

Buying all single use products

Have you ever noticed how advertising convinces you that you need a different potion for every use in your life?

I used to believe this without a second thought. If a commercial told me that using soap to shave ruined my razors, I would only buy cream shave gel. 

Now, I look at products and advertisements with a much more critical eye.

If you read the ingredients of many products out there, you’ll see that they are often very similar. 

I use Dr. Bronner’s for body wash, shaving, laundry, floor mopping and dishes.  One bottle for all of those uses!

Are there any items in your bathroom cupboards that are single use and could get replaced by another that you use already?


You deserve a peaceful, spacious bathroom to take care of yourself in.

With a bit of clutter clearing and new daily habits, I promise you can make it happen!

Find out why your home is still cluttered.

Most people struggle with one of three common challenges when clearing clutter. But once you understand what’s holding you back, you can create a peaceful, calm & inspiring home you love.

Take the quiz below to uncover your #1 clutter challenge and how to overcome it!


This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Jen

    Under my sink!! Over the years I have reduced counter top clutter, as well as reducing the amount of products that I am using! That has been life-changing.
    But one thing that remains cluttered is underneath my sink!

    1. Jen

      I love this, Jen. Now that you’ve got your counters looking serene and beautiful, you’ll have even more confidence to tackle under your sink. Thanks for sharing 🙂

  2. Anne-marie

    My counter….what a mess of half finished bottles of hair products !

    1. Jen

      Awesome, Anne-Marie! Such a simple habit to clear extra space. Good luck and enjoy recycling those empty bottles 🙂

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